BREAKING: Republican Party of Florida (RPOF) Removes FRA Members From REC Meetings
Breaking News From The Florida Republican Assembly - Read, Share, & Subscribe -
From Lou Marin, Executive Vice President of The Florida Republican Assembly:
Republican Party of Florida (RPOF) Chairman Evan Power and leadership who are DeSantis loyalists and known anti-Trumpers are currently using lawfare to disenfranchise Republican Jews & Christians across the state that stood up for truth and supported Trump in the 2024 election.
The entity they are maliciously attacking is the Florida Republican Assembly (FRA), which is a Judeo-Christian private organization and are MAGA Trump loyalist who have been in operate in the great state of Florida for OVER 26 years.
Why is RPOF going after FRA?
On September 15, 2023, the RPOF gathered at their Quarterly meeting at the Rosen Center Hotel, 9840 International Drive, Orlando, Florida to vote on initiating a loyalty oath, which if passed would have effectively removed Donald J. Trump from the Florida ballot. FRA protested the RPOF’s underhanded behavior and let them know that election interference will not be tolerated.
In addition, FRA organized and brought in over 1000 members and coalition partners from across the state to protest the RPOF’s unscrupulous behavior. Also, FRA made it clear if they moved to adopt that measure that FRA would file for injunctive relief for election interference as well as to recall the RPOF leadership.
Due to our strong presence and influence with the light that we projected onto the media; they wisely tabled the vote resulting in its ultimate cancelation. In May 2023, Gov. Ron DeSantis announced, he was going to run for 2024 President. FRA strongly objected because he promised to fulfill his term if reelected. Unfortunately, he broke his promise.
Therefore, on December 12, 2023, FRA passed a resolution urging Ron DeSantis to end his failing presidential campaign and return to Florida to continue to serve out the remainder of his term as Governor to deal with Florida’s devastating insurance crisis. FRA’s resolution went viral internationally on social media reaching as far away as the shores of Australia and Ireland.
This apparently did not sit well with the governor or his Bushite / Romneyite supporters. As a result, RPOF leadership, continue their unscrupulous and vindictive reprisal by engaging in lawfare retaliation and violating civil rights of FRA and its members for stopping their anti-American agenda dead in its tracks.
However, the vindictive behavior continues…
On Thanksgiving eve, the RPOF served FRA and members with bogus cease-and-desist grievance letters with 7-days response time to rebuttal. Members have a right to review the alleged grievance as well as accuser and RPOP rules provide up to 10 days to respond. Now the RPOF is making up unlawful rules intending to remove our MAGA Trump loyalist members from the Republican party.
In fact, in the most egregious example to date, our MAGA membership routed swampers in the Manatee County REC primary, which were poised to take control of the Manatee REC and as a result RPOF Chair Evan Power interfered with the election by dissolving the Manatee REC. Overturning the victorious candidates! As we understand, nothing like this has ever been done in the entirety of Florida Republican Party history.
Last night in Lee, Sarasota, and Osceola County, OVER 100’s of Jews and Christians were unjustly removed by the local Sheriffs from the county REC meetings. They were literally threatened by county REC chairs that they would be trespassed for non-compliance.
Not a good way to grow as a party when you are threatening loyal Trump Republicans. Trump supporters made their voices heard by electing President Donald J. Trump. Now it’s time to FIRE RPOF leadership and put in leaders who are focused on uniting the party.
Remember a good leader solves problems, and a great leader prevents problems with sound policies that help the party grow.
CALL-TO-ACTION: Call, Email, and Tweet the Governor and RPOF Chair and demand they stop their divisive and vindictive behavior immediately and focus on uniting the party. Gov. DeSantis Ron DeSantis Contact Info Phone: (850) 717-9337 Email:… Tweeter aka “X”:
RPOF Chairman, Lobbyist, & Never Trumper Evan Power Contact Info: Phone: (850) 519-1062 Email: Tweeter aka “X”: Tweeter aka “X”: @EvanPower.
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for more details, go to Substack Kats Meow, which has been exposing this since it started in May.