Ripped From The Headlines, December 19, 2023
TX Power Companies Not Liable For Not Providing Power, Get Ready To Get Taxed Big, Get Ready For TSA AI - Read, Share, & Subscribe - SherlocExposes.com
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“Almost three years since the deadly Texas blackout of 2021, a panel of judges from the First Court of Appeals in Houston has ruled that big power companies cannot be held liable for failure to provide electricity during the crisis. The reason is Texas’ deregulated energy market.
The decision seems likely to protect the companies from lawsuits filed against them after the blackout. It leaves the families of those who died unsure where next to seek justice.
In February 2021, a massive cold front descended on Texas, bringing days of ice and snow. The weather increased energy demand and reduced supply by freezing up power generators and the state’s natural gas supply chain. This led to a blackout that left millions of Texans without energy for nearly a week.
This week, Chief Justice Terry Adams issued the unanimous opinion of that panel that ‘Texas does not currently recognize a legal duty owed by wholesale power generators to retail customers to provide continuous electricity to the electric grid, and ultimately to the retail customers.’
The opinion states that big power generators ‘are now statutorily precluded by the legislature from having any direct relationship with retail customers of electricity.’”
First things first: There are issues with how Texas does energy stuff that allowed this to go down this way…
But there’s a bigger issue:
When the utility companies you (over) pay for services are no longer governed by law to provide them to you, what do you do?
The answer seems to be to take it like a good slave and die.
That’s sad, but it’s also dangerous…
Think for a moment about a MAJOR disaster… what incentive do providers have to get power (or any other critical service) back up in a timely manner?
And think about what that could mean for hospitals… medicines… and key supplies.
The decisions you make on who represents your interests have consequences… and you now see it in Texas.
Know Your Foe.
Click Here to read the full article.
“Rich countries are raising more money from taxpayers than they have in decades to finance a burst of state spending as surging interest rates make borrowing less attractive.
Tax revenues have risen to record levels as a share of economic output in a number of major economies, including France, Japan and South Korea, according to data published by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the club of mainly rich countries.
The increases are worth hundreds of billions of dollars in additional revenue for governments that are navigating an array of new spending needs, from military priorities to industrial policy.
They underline a trend toward big government, amplified by the Covid-19 pandemic and fueled by national-security concerns in a world of geopolitical divisions, the need to care for aging populations and the fight against climate change.
In the U.S., tax receipts at all levels of government climbed to nearly 28% of GDP last year, up from 25% in 2019 and the highest level since at least 1965, aside from a brief period of budget consolidation during the Clinton administration. During the late 1990s, the U.S. turned budget deficits into surpluses with tax increases, spending restraint and fast economic growth.”
Governments are collecting record taxes, but running record deficits…
And they want more of your money.
The real question is how long do we let them keep telling us it’s OK?
Brace For Impact.
Click Here to read the full article.
“In January, select passengers at Harry Reid International Airport in Las Vegas will begin testing a new self-service screening system from the Transportation Security Administration. The setup will resemble a supermarket self-checkout, with travelers scanning their identification and carry-on bags instead of arugula and toilet paper.
‘The ultimate goal of this is that it is all one-stop,’ said Jeffrey C. Price, a professor of aviation and aerospace at Metropolitan State University of Denver. ‘You go in and you show your ID. It scans you, it scans your bags, you leave your little kiosk and off you go to the plane.’
Biometrics are also gaining a foothold. Delta, for one, has been deploying a facial recognition program called Delta Digital ID at select airports, including Atlanta, Detroit, Los Angeles and LaGuardia and JFK in New York City. Instead of pulling out documents, members of the airline’s SkyMiles loyalty program can simply look into the camera for bag drop and security.
‘You don’t have to pull out your ID or your boarding pass. You have opted in to use your face, and so it gives passengers that facilitation option if they want to choose it.’ said McNeill, whose company, Pangiam, developed the technology for the airline.”
Groping you, annoying you, and generally making your travel unpleasant isn’t enough for your overlords…
Now, they want to get you conditioned to “let the technology make things easier…”
Which helps to get you conditioned to accept things like a #CBDC.
This is going to be a complete nightmare for travelers, and won’t eliminate the agents…
But it will collect more data from you…
Welcome to your next episode of Black Mirror.
Know Your Foe.
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