Ripped From The Headlines, February 27, 2023
Canada Moving To Euthanize Kids, "Shock Illness" in Ohio Train Derailment, Apple Forces You To Comply With Carbon Reduction - #Read, #Share, & #Subscribe - SherlocExposes.com
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(EDITOR’S NOTE: Orange-linked text is clickable for additional information.)
"Campaigners have slammed as 'reckless' and 'horrible' a plan by a Canadian parliamentary committee to expand the country's assisted-suicide program to terminally sick children.
They told DailyMail.com that sick and disabled kids could soon be joining the roughly 10,000 adults who end their lives each year by state-sanctioned euthanasia in the world's most permissive such program.
In its long-awaited report, the Special Joint Committee on Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) recommended that 'mature minors' whose deaths were 'reasonably foreseeable' could access assisted suicide, even without parental consent.
The report and its 23 recommendations will be discussed in the House of Commons in the coming months and could prompt revisions of Canada's assisted dying laws as soon as this year.
'I think it's horrible,' said Amy Hasbrouck, who campaigns against MAiD for the group Not Dead Yet.
'Teenagers are not in a good position to judge whether to commit suicide or not. Any teenagers with a disability, who's constantly told their life is useless and pitiful, will be depressed, and of course they're going to want to die.'"
Wade Lovett’s been having trouble breathing since the Feb. 3 Norfolk South train derailment and toxic explosion here. In fact, his voice sounds as if he’s been inhaling helium.
'Doctors say I definitely have the chemicals in me but there’s no one in town who can run the toxicological tests to find out which ones they are,' Lovett, 40, an auto detailer, said in an extremely high-pitched voice.
'My voice sounds like Mickey Mouse. My normal voice is low. It’s hard to breathe, especially at night. My chest hurts so much at night I feel like I’m drowning. I cough up phlegm a lot. I lost my job because the doctor won’t release me to go to work.'
Locals are frustrated and furious over what they say has been a lack of real information and help from both local officials and the Biden Administration. Last week, East Palestine Mayor Trent Conaway ripped President Biden for heading to Ukraine for a surprise visit instead of the scene of the toxic train derailment, calling it 'the biggest slap in the face.'”
"The U.S. Energy Department has concluded that the Covid pandemic most likely arose from a laboratory leak, according to a classified intelligence report recently provided to the White House and key members of Congress.
The shift by the Energy Department, which previously was undecided on how the virus emerged, is noted in an update to a 2021 document by Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines’s office.
The new report highlights how different parts of the intelligence community have arrived at disparate judgments about the pandemic’s origin. The Energy Department now joins the Federal Bureau of Investigation in saying the virus likely spread via a mishap at a Chinese laboratory. Four other agencies, along with a national intelligence panel, still judge that it was likely the result of a natural transmission, and two are undecided.
The Energy Department’s conclusion is the result of new intelligence and is significant because the agency has considerable scientific expertise and oversees a network of U.S. national laboratories, some of which conduct advanced biological research.
The Energy Department made its judgment with 'low confidence,' according to people who have read the classified report."
Never A Dull Moment Monday, Ripped From The Headlines. Things To Ponder:
“You Killing Yourself Is Good For Humanity! Now, Let’s ‘Take Care’ Of Your Kids Too!”
The agencies in Canada are off the rails right now…
It’s not enough they are actively doing this:
Look at this:
“In its long-awaited report, the Special Joint Committee on Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) recommended that 'mature minors' whose deaths were 'reasonably foreseeable' could access assisted suicide, even without parental consent.”
Let's just call this what it really is…
This is actually a form of post-birth abortion.
Wack-job demons are coming straight from the pit of hell and are coming for everything that matters:
Know. Your. Foe.
“Don’t Worry About East Palestine, Ukraine… I’ve Already Been There And Gave Them 500 Billion, Jack!”
You know… the thing!
No, really… Joe Biden may actually think he’s already been there…
And, since a fish rots from the head, it’s no surprise that his administration has been on cruise control with the challenges around the situation in East Palestine, Ohio.
See, nothing was really wrong, remember?
Even the CEO of Norfolk Southern said so:
“Mr. Shaw said that he would bring his own family, including his children, to East Palestine. 'There’s so much misinformation out there that is hurting the folks of East Palestine,' he said, pointing to inaccuracies on social media that are creating a stigma.”
Someone tell that to Wade Lovett, who can’t seem to figure out what’s wrong with him…
Except that he has “the chemicals“ in him, couldn’t go back to work, and has now lost his job…
But everything is fine!
So much so, that Joe Biden - Mumble, Bumble, Stumble - could jet off to Ukraine instead…
People have a LONG memory, Mr. Bumble/Stumble - even if you don’t.
“That Thing We Told You Wasn’t A Leak… Yeah, That’s A Leak…”
It’s funny - and sad - that we get to keep using this, but…
When you read a report about one of the most obvious things in history (COVID being leaked from a lab) now being stated as obvious by people who are supposed to know these things…
You end up looking like Homer Simpson.
And this part, in particular, is really scary:
“Four other agencies, along with a national intelligence panel, still judge that it was likely the result of a natural transmission, and two are undecided.
The Energy Department’s conclusion is the result of new intelligence and is significant because the agency has considerable scientific expertise and oversees a network of U.S. national laboratories, some of which conduct advanced biological research.”
These are the agencies that are in charge of really important things that impact your safety…
That should scare you to death.
You need to be more vigilant than ever before… RIGHT NOW.
What Does This Mean?
You’re being bombarded with things, including lies like this one (make sure to read the comments), that are distracting you from what’s actually happening.
-People are working to kill other people in mass;
-Two major world powers are on the brink of major conflict;
-Public servants who are paid to represent you, ARE NOT.
NONE of this is good for you.
Why Should I Care?
If you allow this to continue, and you’re complicit in your own demise, it’s not just you that’s going to suffer.
These people are also working to erase your past and kill your future.
If you don’t get moving now, your future will look like this.
On second thought, it already kind of looks like that.
You should care.
What should I do?
Be a beacon… sound the alarm.
Time is short…
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It sounds like doom & gloom… But, it’s not a bad practice in a high-tech world to have practical skills and methods… Just in case.
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