Ripped From The Headlines, February 8, 2023
Church Of England: "God Is Gender Neutral", Us Budget Deficit Out Of Control, Organs For Freedom? Read, Share, & Subscribe - SherlocExposes.com
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(EDITOR’S NOTE: Orange-linked and underlined text are clickable for additional information.)
"The Church of England will look into the use of gender-neutral terms to refer to God in prayers, but the centuries-old institution said on Wednesday there were no plans to abolish current services.
The issue reflects growing global awareness about the assumed usage of pronouns causing offence or upset to those who do not identify with the gender they were assigned at birth.
'Christians have recognized since ancient times that God is neither male nor female,' a spokesperson for the Church said. 'Yet the variety of ways of addressing and describing God found in scripture has not always been reflected in our worship.'"
"The federal budget deficit is widening rapidly, according to the latest estimates by the Congressional Budget Office, raising the risk of the Treasury running out of cash earlier than expected amid a debt-ceiling standoff.
The excess of spending over receipts totaled $459 billion for the first four months of the fiscal year, which started Oct. 1, according to CBO estimates released on Wednesday. That’s a $200 billion increase over the same period a year earlier.
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has already deployed special accounting maneuvers to extend the time before her department will run out of cash, after the federal government hit the statutory $31.4 trillion debt ceiling last month. In mid-January, she indicated those maneuvers would last at least until early June.
The CBO figures show that spending is picking up, while revenues are coming in weaker than last year. In 2022, the Treasury enjoyed a record tax haul, thanks in part to booming job and wage growth, along with the powerful rallies in financial markets in 2021 that yielded funds via capital-gains levies. But market routs last year suggest tax revenues from that source will now be much weaker."
"A proposal to let Massachusetts prisoners donate organs and bone marrow to shave time off their sentence is raising profound ethical and legal questions about putting undue pressure on inmates desperate for freedom.
The bill — which faces a steep climb in the Massachusetts Statehouse — may run afoul of federal law, which bars the sale of human organs or acquiring one for 'valuable consideration.'
It also raises questions about whether and how prisons would be able to appropriately care for the health of inmates who go under the knife to give up organs. Critics are calling the idea coercive and dehumanizing even as one of the bill’s sponsors is framing the measure as a response to the over-incarceration of Hispanic and Black people and the need for matching donors in those communities.
'The bill reads like something from a dystopian novel,' said Kevin Ring, president of Families Against Mandatory Minimums, a Washington, D.C.-based criminal justice reform advocacy group. 'Promoting organ donation is good. Reducing excessive prison terms is also good. Tying the two together is perverse.'
Democratic state Rep. Judith Garcia, one of the sponsors of the bill, said it was filed in response to what she called the health inequities stemming from 'the vicious cycle of unjust incarceration and over-policing of Black and Brown communities.'”
“What Is It With Wednesday,” Ripped From The Headlines. Things To Ponder:
“God Is… Whatever We Say He Is…”
Um, no HE’S not…
This link has 100 verses where this is referenced…
When it comes to scripture, you don’t get to do it just because “it feels better… for your pronouns…”
Your FATHER doesn’t take kindly to that…
See, He made things a particular way…
And when you mess with it…
He judges.
Know. Your. Foe.
“Don’t Worry About That Budget Deficit… We Have It Covered!”
Sure you do…
It actually looks more like this:
Just so we’re clear:
“Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has already deployed special accounting maneuvers to extend the time before her department will run out of cash, after the federal government hit the statutory $31.4 trillion debt ceiling last month. In mid-January, she indicated those maneuvers would last at least until early June.”
Does that feel, in any way whatsoever, “under control?”
That’s the right question.
Remember what the CEO of Bank Of America said yesterday?
The CEO of Bank of America (BAC), America’s second-largest bank, told CNN he hopes lawmakers resolve their issues, because the market and economy love stability. Yet defaulting on the country’s debt remains a possibility that cannot be ignored.
'We have to be prepared for that, not only in this country but in other countries around the world,' Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan told Poppy Harlow on 'CNN This Morning' Monday.
'You hope it doesn’t happen, but hope is not a strategy — so you prepare for it.'”
You should heed his advice.
“Organs For Freedom, Please Pick Up Line One… There’s A Sucker On The Phone…”
The editorial team debated on running this story… like, seriously debated.
They ultimately decided to share it, because of the implications…
This proposal is an easy way to NOT address the problems with the justice system (See US vs Crater case - Click Here) - AND issues with communities and culture…
Basically saying that reducing time in prison in exchange for people donating organs is a good idea…
Let that really sink in for a second…
Then, there’s this:
“Democratic state Rep. Judith Garcia, one of the sponsors of the bill, said it was filed in response to what she called the health inequities stemming from 'the vicious cycle of unjust incarceration and over-policing of Black and Brown communities.”
Friends, Know. Your. Foe.
What Does This Mean?
You’re being bombarded with things, including lies like this one (make sure to read the comments) that are distracting you from what’s actually happening.
-The US functioning in any normal, common sense way, seems to be impossible for public or private sectors;
-The economy is upside down, including $80 trillion “missing” off of balance sheets, and US infrastructure is falling apart;
-God Being The Father Is In Question… And If You Think Differently, It Could Lead To Trouble For You.
None Of These Things Leads Anywhere Good.
Why Should I Care?
If you allow this to continue, you are complicit in your own demise. And it’s not just you that’s going to suffer.
These people are also working to erase your past and kill your future.
Why Do You Need A Moral Compass? This Is OK!
If you don’t get moving now, your future will look like this.
On second thought, it already kind of looks like that.
You should care.
What should I do?
Be a beacon… sound the alarm.
Time is short…
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It sounds like doom & gloom… But, it’s not a bad practice in a high-tech world to have practical skills and methods… Just in case.
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