Ripped From The Headlines, February 13, 2023
Ohio Derailment Basically "Nuked Town," Suicide For Older Japanese People Is Preferred, Plane Almost Crashes, Reported Two Months Later - Read, Share, & Subscribe - SherlocExposes.com
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(EDITOR’S NOTE: Orange-linked text is clickable for additional information.)
"Residents evacuated from an Ohio village where a freight train derailed before huge clouds of toxic gasses were released in an explosion fear they could still be in danger nearly two weeks later, despite authorities telling them it's safe to return home.
About 50 cars, including 10 carrying hazardous materials, derailed in a fiery crash in East Palestine at about 9pm on Friday, February 3.
Houses were evacuated after vinyl chloride was slowly released from five of those cars. Authorities then ignited the gases for a 'controlled release' of the highly flammable, toxic chemicals in a controlled environment, creating a dark plume of smoke.
Sil Caggiano, a hazardous materials specialist, and former fire department chief said he was 'surprised' residents were allowed to return home so quickly before all of their homes were tested.
'I would've far rather they did all the testing [first],' he said. 'There's a lot of what ifs, and we're going to be looking at this thing 5, 10, 15, 20 years down the line and wondering, 'Gee, cancer clusters could pop up, you know, well water could go bad.'
He added: 'We basically nuked a town with chemicals so we could get a railroad open.'
Several residents have opted to stay away from East Palestine over claims they haven't been given sufficient information or safety assurances.
Some said a chemical smell still lingers in the area and claim they've had symptoms which include trouble breathing and burning eyes. Dead fish were spotted in waterways around the scene after the incident."
A Yale professor who suggested that mass suicide could be the solution to Japan's aging population has gained celebrity status among the country's youth, even appearing in an advertisement for energy drinks, The New York Times reported.
Yusuke Narita, an assistant professor of economics at Yale University, has argued for the controversial solution to Japan's aging population in several public appearances and interviews, The Times reported.
In an interview with an online Japanese news program in December 2021, Narita said a 'pretty clear solution' would be the introduction of mass suicide, or mass 'seppuku' of the elderly.
Seppuku refers to the ritual suicide of samurai, which historically involved self-disembowelment.
When pressed by a teenager on his mass seppuku theory last year, Narita referred to a scene in the 2019 horror film 'Midsommar' in which an elderly person is sent to die by suicide by jumping off a cliff, according to The Times.
'Whether that's a good thing or not, that's a more difficult question to answer,' Narita said, per the newspaper. 'So if you think that's good, then maybe you can work hard toward creating a society like that.'"
"A United Airlines flight dove 1,400 feet in under a minute shortly after taking off from Hawaii — and came within just 775 feet of the Pacific Ocean en route to San Francisco.
Flight 1722 took off from Kahului Airport in Maui at 2:49 p.m. Dec. 18 during stormy weather and reached an altitude of about 2,200 feet before taking the terrifying plunge, the Air Current reported, citing data from FlightRadar24.
No one was injured during the incident, which has not been previously reported.
The Boeing 777-200 reached a descent rate of almost 8,600 feet per minute before the crew regained control when the plane was a mere 775 feet above the water, according to the outlet.
During the climb, the passengers and crew were subjected to forces nearly 2.7 times the force of gravity before the plane reached its cruising altitude of 33,000 feet, two people familiar with the incident told the Air Current.
It was unclear if the stomach-churning incident was noticed by air traffic controllers in Hawaii, according to the outlet, which reported that radio recordings obtained by LiveATC.net did not mention the dive."
Monday Madness, Ripped From The Headlines. Things To Ponder:
“Those Aren’t REALLY Toxic Chemicals… Just KIND OF Toxic…”
You may be wondering why you’re not hearing about the situation in East Palestine, Ohio, given the level of disaster that’s happening…
That’s because the level of a screw-up in this situation is so bad, that keeping it quiet is really important…
…to the people who screwed up.
It’s bad… and the aggregate effect is even worse:
And today:
We had a derailment, with chemicals, outside of Houston (Click Here)
And in South Carolina (Click Here)
Stay vigilant, and pray for those that are having to deal with this.
“You’re Old… Just Kill Yourself…”
Of course, we don’t want you to do that… but Yusuke Narita is down for it!
He’s basically said that he was taken out of context…
But he still meant it. Japan has too many old people, and something must be done.
And, just so we’re clear, he recommended seppuku. Here’s the definition:
Our society is judged by how we treat the oldest and youngest.
If you don’t see clearly now that Satan has taken off his mask and is mocking God, you need to Click Here.
Know. Your. Foe.
“We Almost Crashed… But No Big Deal… We Got It Covered!”
Seriously, that’s how the FAA and the government think today…
That’s thanks to this guy:
Who reminds us A LOT of this guy:
That’s what it’s come to…
Planes are 800 feet from crashing into the ocean, and we find out about it almost 2 months later.
It’s no wonder the UNITED STATES is a shell of its former self… 2+2 now equals 5, men can be women, and roads are racist.
Jesus, take the wheel… PLEASE.
What Does This Mean?
The powers that be want you:
…and to have just enough money to keep funneling it to them.
Docile and controlled… just like chattel.
And they are flaunting it in your face.
Why Should I Care?
If you allow this to continue, and you’re complicit in your own demise, it’s not just you that’s going to suffer.
These people are also working to erase your past and kill your future.
If you don’t get moving now, your future will look like this.
On second thought, it already kind of looks like that.
You should care.
What Should I Do?
You need to get yourself ready for life in the Parallel Economy. Things are going to get worse before they have any chance to get better:
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