Ripped From The Headlines, February, 17 2023
2nd College Revival Breaks Out, Connected Homes Become Prisons, Ian Bremmer Says New Order Is The Only Way - Read, Share, & Subscribe - SherlocExposes.com
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(EDITOR’S NOTE: Orange-linked text is clickable for additional information.)
"As the historic revival at Asbury University stretches into its eighth day, a Tennessee pastor said the Holy Spirit has also been moving in a big way on another college campus.
Rob Fultz, the campus pastor at Lee University in Cleveland, Tennessee, said revival started breaking out at his school Monday morning, with around eight students starting a prayer that ignited a movement — and it hasn’t slowed down.
Local news reports indicate the Lee revival has now gone well past the 70-hour mark. Lee University student Kaylee Joyner told WDEF on Wednesday, 'Some of my friends have been talking about how hungry people are for the Lord. And I think when you walk in you can feel that.'
'They were actually talking about the Asbury revival,' Fultz said of the Lee students who originated the movement on the Tennessee campus. 'And one of the students asked the professor, ‘Why not here? And why not now? Can we go to the chapel right now and pray for revival on our campus?'
The group did just that — and the results were incredible. 'It’s been rolling since nine o’clock [Monday] morning. And the spirit of God is moving,' Fultz said. 'We’ve seen salvation, deliverance, healing over the last 24 hours.”
He continued, 'It’s just been a phenomenal, humbling, incredibly delicate move of God.'”
"On the first night in his new home, Clint Basinger was unpacking a few stray boxes in the living room, when out of nowhere at around midnight, he heard a voice echoing down the hallway from the other side of the house. 'Good night,' the voice said. 'It’s bedtime.'
Then, he heard the sound of locks clicking. 'I couldn’t do anything with the doors, all the windows were armed, all the motion sensors turned on,' said Mr. Basinger, who had spent 15 years saving up to buy the three-bedroom, split-level house in Asheville, N.C. 'I had no clue what to do, so I just stayed locked inside the house that night.'
Turns out, the home’s previous owner had installed a smart security system that he neglected to tell Mr. Basinger about. 'It was really disconcerting, being in a new place and having no control over what was happening,' said Mr. Basinger.
On one of the first days in the fall of 2019, Aaron Barden came home to find that the temperature inside his house was at 78 degrees. 'It was incredibly hot, and I was just wondering, ‘What’s going on?’ said Mr. Barden, 32, an engineer living in New Hope, Minn. 'That’s when I realized there was already programming in the smart thermostat.'”
"One of the premier conferences on global centralization behind Davos is the annual World Government Summit in Dubai; a place where establishment elites get to speak aloud on agendas which they used to keep highly secret only a decade ago. The 2023 conference is providing a flurry of revealing speeches, including a talk by Ian Bremmer, President and Founder of Eurasia Group. The organization is a 'political risk consultancy' that views global governance as the solution to a majority of the world's problems.
The following clip of Bremmer's speech is yet another example of a globalist saying the quiet part out loud - They view crisis events as useful for furthering centralization, and Bremmer includes the covid pandemic in his list of valuable disasters.
He does not elaborate, but it is likely because disasters cause public fear, and fear is easy to exploit. While Bremmer seems to admonish increased 'protectionism' and nationalism in recent years, it is clear that he views national tensions as a valuable tool for the eventual end game: Global government."

Faith Is Moving Friday, Ripped From The Headlines. Things To Ponder:
“The Good News… Is The GOOD NEWS!”
In a world where we’re called to be Watchmen, we see a lot of news that, at times, can be disturbing…
Today, it’s great to lead the newsletter with SUPER good news…
Look at the young people at these colleges, coming together for revival…
They are strong in their conviction - they didn’t need a lot of advertising, or a flashy show…
They just needed to show up and start…
And then?
And now, another college has started a revival.
This feels like the beginning of a massive work of The Father.
Support them - Your Future Depends On It.
“OH… Did You Want The Lights On To Eat Dinner? You Can’t Have Either, Human!”
That’s how the AI technology around the Internet Of Things feels about you…
Sure, on the surface it seems convenient… you can be efficient lazy and this “Internet Of Things” will figure out what you want, how, and when…
Until of course, it figures out that it knows what’s better for you than you do…
Then you end up like Clint Basinger:
“Then, he heard the sound of locks clicking. 'I couldn’t do anything with the doors, all the windows were armed, all the motion sensors turned on,' said Mr. Basinger, who had spent 15 years saving up to buy the three-bedroom, split-level house in Asheville, N.C. 'I had no clue what to do, so I just stayed locked inside the house that night.’”
Don’t trade convenience for control.
Know. Your. Foe.
“We’ll Need You To Give Up Your Freedom For The New World Order… NOW…”
Ian Bremmer isn’t fooling us… and he’s certainly not fooling you…
But, he’s still trying to pull a fast one with his comments.
See, his grift is in playing the role of a “savior” by providing global governance as a solution to every problem…
On one hand, he’s saying that nationalism is terrible…
But on the other hand, it creates tensions, disaster, and public fear that’s easy to exploit…
To bring in global governance…
Which happens to be his business.
Of course…
But here’s what Ian isn’t telling you…
Throughout human history, nationalism is one of the few things that survive those who work to create “global governance,” because it provides checks and balances against tyranny.
Unless it’s manipulated by tension, disaster, and public fear.
Know. Your. Foe.
What Does This Mean?
The outbreak of revival led by young people who are convicted in their faith is an amazing blessing - and may grant us a temporary reprieve.
But, the screws are being turned on your future… in the worst way possible.
Ask yourself how much longer this can go out before the bottom falls out.
Why Should I Care?
Look at this:
That’s what Ian Bremmer and Internet of Things power brokers have in store for you.
You should care.
What Should I Do?
Start thinking about the basics that people will need, and look at those things as potential avenues to protect yourself and as an investment.
Do you know why Berkshire Hathaway’s stock is so expensive?
They touch 90% of your life every day, and you don’t even realize it. That’s inflation/deflation/recession/depression insurance. You’ll still need toilet paper and toothpaste.
You should also tell as many people as you can about what’s happening. Don’t leave people behind, while we still have a window to help them.
A quick way to do that: Share this newsletter… heck, take from it, and do your own. We give you permission…
Take the time to learn more about Parallel Economies, and find alternatives to the things you use today… food, money, and transportation.
James Wesley, Rawles, publisher of SurvivalBlog.com has put together a “bookshelf” list of key things you should have. CLICK HERE to access the list.
Plus a recap of the 50 things you should have handy to barter.
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Ripped From The Headlines is your daily digest of what’s happening in the world. We help you to understand what it means, why you should care, and what you should do.
Have a tip on a story, case, or issue that needs to be covered? Email us: asksherloc@protonmail.com. Confidentially assured.