Ripped From The Headlines, February 20, 2023
#China & #Russia Control Food Security, #Cincinnati Shuts Down Water Supplies, Book History Goes 1984 - #Read, #Share, & #Subscribe - SherlocExposes.com
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(EDITOR’S NOTE: Orange-linked text is clickable for additional information.)
The cargo trapped for months at the Dutch port of Rotterdam was so precious that the United Nations intervened to mediate its release. The World Food Programme chartered a ship to transport it to Mozambique, from where it’s being taken by truck through the interior to its end destination, Malawi.
It’s not grain or maize, but 20,000 metric tons of Russian fertilizer, and it can’t come soon enough.
About 20% of Malawi’s population is projected to face acute food insecurity during the “lean season” through March, making the use of fertilizers to grow crops all the more vital. It’s one of 48 nations in Africa, Asia and Latin America identified by the International Monetary Fund as most at risk from the shock to food and fertilizer costs fanned by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. One year on, the upheaval caused to world fertilizer markets is seen by the UN as a key risk to food availability in 2023.
Yet alongside humanitarian considerations, it’s the realization that much of the world relies on just a few nations for most of its fertilizers — notably Russia, its ally Belarus and China — that’s ringing alarm bells in global capitals. Just as semiconductors have become a lightning rod for geopolitical friction, so the race for fertilizers has alerted the US and its allies to a strategic dependency for an agricultural input that is a key determinant of food security.
Greater Cincinnati Water Works (GCWW) announced today it had carried out its previously announced plan to close the water intake; 'Out of an abundance of caution, GCWW shut the water intake at 2 a.m. Sunday. We will continue to monitor river flow and make a decision in the future about when to reopen the intake.'
Some of the train cars involved in the East Palestine train derailment on February 3 were carrying industrial chemicals. It is believed low levels of butyl acrylate seeped into the Ohio River through a small creek about 300 miles north of Cincinnati, the GCWW said.
GCWW states 'it will continue regular sampling for the foreseeable future to ensure a supply of safe and healthy drinking water is available for GCWW customers" and "will optimize its treatment processes and monitor for these chemicals to ensure our plant is removing them.'"
Roald Dahl’s children’s books are being rewritten to remove language deemed offensive by the publisher Puffin.
Puffin has hired sensitivity readers to rewrite chunks of the author’s text to make sure the books 'can continue to be enjoyed by all today,' resulting in extensive changes across Dahl’s work.
Edits have been made to descriptions of characters’ physical appearances. The word 'fat' has been cut from every new edition of relevant books, while the word 'ugly' has also been culled, the Daily Telegraph reported.
Augustus Gloop in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is now described as 'enormous.' In The Twits, Mrs. Twit is no longer 'ugly and beastly' but just 'beastly.'
Hundreds of changes were made to the original text – and some passages not written by Dahl have been added. But the Roald Dahl Story Company said 'it’s not unusual to review the language' during a new print run and any changes were 'small and carefully considered.'"
Monday Madness, Ripped From The Headlines. Things To Ponder:
“Don’t Worry About Food… You Still Have Bugs To Eat!”
Well, at least that’s what the World Economic Forum says…
They’re JUST like meat, right?
That’s a joke… but it’s not.
Kind of like the fertilizer situation.
The Biden administration, in addition to being functionally incompetent, has weakened the position of the UNITED STATES to be able to produce many things…
And other nations see it.
Enter fertilizer.
The ONE thing that is mission-critical for food security and production, we don’t control our own destiny over… FERTILIZER!
Let that sink in.
Here’s a look at the “tale of the tape” for fertilizer production:
Then there’s this quote from the same article:
…That’s pushed fertilizers — and who controls them — to the forefront of the political agenda around the world: The US State Department is beefing up its expertise on fertilizers, presidents are tweeting about them, they’re featuring in election campaigns, and becoming the focus of tensions between countries as well as an unlikely currency of diplomacy. They’re also being pulled into the contest of narratives over who’s to blame for the fallout from Russia’s war on Ukraine.
“The role of fertilizer is as important as the role of seed in the country’s food security,” said Udai Shanker Awasthi, managing director and chief executive officer of the Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative, the country’s largest producer. “If your stomach is full then you can defend your house, you can defend your borders, you can defend your economy.”
Know. Your. Foe. They may even be your own government.
“The Water And Land Are FINE in Ohio - Stop Spreading Misinformation!”
If you check in with the mainstream media, that’s what they’ll tell you…
If the government says it’s OK, SHUT YOUR MOUTH AND GO TO YOUR HOLE, PEASANT!
So… what do we do now that Cincinnati is cutting off the water supply from the Ohio River, which is downstream from the East Palestine train derailment?
If you still think it’s OK, you may want to take a look at how far this is spreading:
And now, it’s already spread well into Canada and along the east coast via rain.
Pray. A LOT.
“1984 Shows Up In 2023…”
The issue with changing Roald Dahl’s books is another test…
It’s a test to see how much you will take with the re-writing of history…
If they can keep doing it and you don’t say anything, you’re headed for a future that looks like 1984.
In case you don’t know what that looks like, here you go:
This is what the people who edit those books, and tell you what to think, want for you.
Know. Your. Foe.
What does this mean?
We’re moving quickly from what you say to what you think about saying making you an enemy of the state.
This isn’t a left vs right statement.
You don’t know if WHAT YOU SAY OR DO NEXT will be the wrong thing.
Just like 1984.
Why should I care?
Have You Seen This? “I spent 10 days in a secret Chinese Covid Detention Centre”
You should care.
What should I do?
Be a beacon… sound the alarm.
Time is short…
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Take the time to learn about Parallel Economies, and find alternatives to the things you use today… food, money, and transportation.
It sounds like doom & gloom… but, it’s not a bad practice in a high-tech world to have practical skills and methods… just in case.
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