Ripped From The Headlines, February 28, 2023
Scientists Want To Create #AI from Human Brain, South Africa Civil War? #Russia Turns To #China - #Read, #Share, & #Subscribe - SherlocExposes.com
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(EDITOR’S NOTE: Orange-linked text is clickable for additional information.)
"Machine-learning models like the one that powers ChatGPT are generating essays, short stories, and entire podcasts. But scientists are looking into another way of computing that could be just as efficient and powerful, and it’s in our brains.
In a new article published on Tuesday in Frontiers, a large international collaboration led by researchers at John Hopkins University (JHU) details how brain-machine technologies are the newest frontier in biocomputing, and provides a roadmap as to how to make it a reality.
As the paper explains, organoid intelligence (OI) is an emerging field where researchers are developing biological computing using 3D cultures of human brain cells (brain organoids) and brain-machine interface technologies. These organoids share aspects of brain structure and function that play a key role in cognitive functions like learning and memory. They would essentially serve as biological hardware, and could one day be even more efficient than current computers running AI programs.
'The vision of OI is to use the power of the biological system to advance the field of live sciences, bioengineering, and computer science,” Lena Smirnova, a researcher at JHU and an author on the paper, wrote in an email to Motherboard. "If we look at how efficiently the human brain operates in processing of information, learning etc, it is tempting to translate and model that to have a system which will work faster and more efficiently [than] current computers.'”
“South Africa is on the verge of 'collapse' amid rolling blackouts and warnings a total power grid failure could lead to mass rioting on the scale of a 'civil war.'
Western embassies including the United States and Australia have advised their citizens in the country to stock up on 'several days worth' of food and water and be on high alert during extended blackouts sweeping the country.
South Africa’s President Cyril Ramaphosa declared a national 'state of disaster' on February 9 in response to the record electricity shortage, which has seen state-owned power company Eskom institute rolling blackouts – dubbed 'load shedding' – lasting up to 12 hours in some cases.
The US Embassy this month advised citizens to 'maintain 72-hours’ worth of supplies at home by stockpiling non-perishable food, three litres of drinking water per person per day, and medicines and first aid supplies.'
It comes after the US government last month warned its stakeholders in South Africa to prepare for a total collapse of the power grid, tech publication MyBroadband reported.
'Looting is no longer just a daily thing, but is also now becoming more structured with guerrilla planning involved. Our roads no longer exist. Anything that is state-run is crumbling. Police, fire and hospital resources for the state don’t exist and are also slowly disintegrating.'”
"Russia’s economy, restricted from Western financial networks and the U.S. dollar, has embraced a burgeoning alternative: the Chinese yuan.
Energy exporters are increasingly getting paid in yuan. Russia’s sovereign-wealth fund, a war chest to support government spending burdened by battlefield costs in Ukraine, is using the Chinese currency to store its oil riches. Russian companies have borrowed in yuan, also known as renminbi, and households are stashing savings in it.
The Chinese currency’s rise inside Russia deepens ties between two countries that have long rivaled each other for global influence but have grown closer amid shared discontent with the West. It also serves China’s long standing but mostly frustrated campaign to make the yuan a more prominent feature of global finance and commerce.
Moscow has jettisoned concerns about giving China too much leverage over its economy, said Alexander Gabuev, a senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
'Now it’s the only rational choice for Russia and for Putin,' Mr. Gabuev said. 'If depending on renminbi is the lifeline that helps you to be less exposed and less dependent on hostile currencies, then you take this route.'
A spokesperson for the Russian Ministry of Finance said the yuan is 'taking an increasingly important role' in its sovereign-wealth fund, which doubled the share of yuan it can hold to 60% in December. The ministry started selling yuan in January to plug its widening budget deficit.”
Tuesday Blues, Ripped From The Headlines. Things To Ponder:
“You Don’t Want A Computer Chip On Your Brain? No Problem - We’ll Just Grab Some Of Your Brain…”
Sound scary?
Yeah, it should sound scary…
Remember the term “Organoid Intelligence.”
What’s going to happen, if you’re not vigilant:
a. If you give up your brain willingly, you’ll get chipped, or;
b. You don’t, and they take some of your brain cells and build a version of your brain that will do what they want.
And, there’s this:
“…These organoids share aspects of brain structure and function that play a key role in cognitive functions like learning and memory. They would essentially serve as biological hardware, and could one day be even more efficient than current computers running AI programs.”
Oh my…
Self-aware “OI” …what could go wrong?
“Just A Society Collapsing… Nothing To See Here Peasant - Move Along!”
Question: How much have you heard about the situation in South Africa?
Not much, right?
It’s odd how a first-world nation is on the verge of civil war and collapse, and news coverage is limited isn’t it?
Here’s what is equally odd…
The UNITED STATES is having issues VERY SIMILAR to those in South Africa… including this:
You’re not hearing much about this, either.
There’s a reason why, and it’s NOT good.
Be vigilant. Know. Your. Foe.
“China: Let’s Just Skip The USD Dollar… Russia: Sounds GREAT!”
We’re sure you’ve heard about China & Russia working to kill any dependence on the dollar…
That relationship continues to deepen… but what you really need to be watching, is this:
Saudi Arabia is just about in for BRICS…
Once that happens?
No need for the US Petro-Dollar…
Cancel Christmas.
Click Here for more of our coverage of the BRICS situation.
What Does This Mean?
The Government has no backup plan… for you.
If you don’t take the time to prepare, the help you’re expecting likely won’t be there or will be offered in a manner you don’t agree with.
Outside of those you know who prepared and prepared for charity (that would be you in this case), it’s going to be slim pickings.
Factoring in a lack of power would likely mean a lack of water and sewage services, and things could get pretty bad. Getting the picture…?
Why Should I Care?
Today, we’ll point you to two books from SurvivalBlog.com Publisher, James Wesley, Rawles so that you can see why:
How To Survive The End of The World As We Know It, which you can read for free by clicking here.
Once done, order The Ultimate Prepper's Survival Guide, by clicking here.
Once you read the first one, you should be in a rush to get the second one.
They will MAKE YOU CARE.
What Should I Do?
Take a moment… right now if you can… to take inventory of what you’re seeing in this newsletter each day.
Have you ever seen a time quite like this? No, you say?
Ok good, you’re paying attention.
That’s the point.
If you’re not paying attention and trapped in the hustle and bustle of a busy world (with a ton of useless stuff, by the way), this stuff will come up on you like a thief in the night.
Take stock of one thing, right now, that you need to shore up… is it food? Medical supplies? Water?
Focus on taking care of that as best you can by the end of this week.
Then, take care of the next thing.
Also, please share what you get from this newsletter.
It’s OK if you don’t understand it all.
Tell them to ask us.
Your future, and theirs, depend on it.
James Wesley, Rawles, publisher of SurvivalBlog.com has put together a “bookshelf” list of key things you should have. CLICK HERE to access the list.
Plus a recap of the 50 things you should have handy to barter.
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Ripped From The Headlines is your daily digest of what’s happening in the world. We help you to understand what it means, why you should care, and what you should do.
Have a tip on a story, case, or issue that needs to be covered? Email us: asksherloc@protonmail.com. Confidentially assured.