Ripped From The Headlines, January 24, 2023
World is "90 Seconds To Midnight", Bill Gates Talks Totalitarian, NYSE Messes With Your Future - Read, Share, & Subscribe - SherlocExposes.com
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(EDITOR’S NOTE: Orange-linked text is clickable for additional information.)
"Top scientists and security experts moved the 'Doomsday Clock' forward on Tuesday to just 90 seconds to midnight -signaling an increased risk to humanity's survival from the nuclear shadow over the Ukraine conflict and the growing climate crisis.
The new timing of the clock set by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists is closer to midnight than ever before.
The hands of the clock, which the Bulletin describes as a 'metaphor for how close humanity is to self-annihilation,' had been at 100 seconds to midnight since January 2020 -- the closest to midnight it had been in its history.
'We are living in a time of unprecedented danger, and the Doomsday Clock time reflects that reality,' said Rachel Bronson, president, and CEO of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.
'90 seconds to midnight is the closest the clock has ever been set to midnight, and it's a decision our experts do not take lightly.'"
"Tech billionaire Bill Gates has warned Australia to be ready for the next pandemic, which could be man-made and far more brutal.
Mr. Gates told the Lowy Institute think tank in Sydney on Monday that political leaders needed to set aside their differences and work together to prepare for the next virus.
He called for greater global cooperation using the Covid-19 pandemic as an example of how countries could improve on their response if they worked together.
The Microsoft founder turned philanthropist said a stable international order based on mutual political will is needed in order to deal with future pandemics.
'We need to be doing every five years a comprehensive exercise at both country and regional levels of pandemic preparedness and you need a global group that's scoring everybody.'
Mr. Gates has promised to donate half of his fortune to good causes and to try and bring equality to the health, energy and education industries."
"The New York Stock Exchange said some trades will be declared 'null and void' after a glitch caused hundreds of securities to commence trading on Tuesday without an opening auction price.
In an updated statement on its website hours after the debacle rattled firms across the market, the exchange identified more than 250 stock symbols that were impacted.
The NYSE didn’t elaborate on what prompted the 'system issue' — as the exchange dubbed it — that set off wild swings and trading halts as the session opened, causing dozens of the biggest US companies to suddenly plunge or spike — in some cases veering 25 percentage points between a high and low in a matter of minutes. Banks, retailers and industrial companies were among those affected, including Wells Fargo & Co., McDonald’s Corp., Walmart Inc. and Morgan Stanley."
”Everyone Gets A Doomsday Clock” Tuesday, Ripped From The Headlines. Things To Ponder:
Sorry, we couldn’t help it…
It’s that kind of day.
While the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists organization is a bit…um… kooky(?), we have to give them credit…
The ability to sum up the vapid, corrupt, soulless leadership around the world that gets us to the point of armageddon, and show it through a clock’s vicinity to midnight is pretty genius…
A picture is worth a thousand words.
“Just Wanted To Let You Know… BILL GATES IS YOUR ENEMY!!”
Our publishers have been asked to leave organizations for making that statement…
Funny how it works out that they were right.
So, while self-proclaimed messiah Gates was in Australia sharing his thoughts telling the slaves and serfs they are going to die, the good folks at Gateway Pundit took it to the next level by digging into the interview to get the details.
This is weird stuff… so we’ll share highlights below. You can read the entire piece by clicking here:
“So we need to be doing, every five years, a really comprehensive exercise at both country and regional level of pandemic preparedness,” said Gates. “And you need a global group that’s kind of scoring everybody. And saying, hey, if you’re not participating in this, you could be the source of the next pandemic. And that’s bad for the entire world. This is like a fire that goes global.”
During the discussion, Bill Gates praised human innovation.
“The amount of IQ in the world that’s being educated, the quality of the tools we have to drive forward, or innovation, whether it’s in health or energy or education, those are fantastic things.”
Gates cautioned that this might be exploited by those who wish to destroy the world, suggesting that with great minds comes a downside.
“Some of the tools of biology could actually be used by a bioterrorist,” Gates said.
Hmmmm… wonder who the bioterrorist is?
Could it be the guy that empowered Event 201 right before the COVID?
It’s easy to predict things when you CREATE them, Bill.
Let’s continue:
“Gates also called for surveillance to track and monitor people.”
“So the big scary thing is how quickly things can go global. And that’s why you need both sewage and air surveillance in all airports. So that you can quickly see is there something out of the ordinary that’s spreading? And the tools for that will be available.”
It can be recalled the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation donated $1.27 billion to “advance progress toward the global goals” during United Nations General Assembly week last month, with $200 million going toward the development of an invasive global digital ID system.
“We see the greatest progress when governments, the private sector, and local communities collaborate in global health programs,” said Bill Gates, co-chair. “The commitment this week to combat preventable diseases and save millions more lives through the Global Fund replenishment is a great step forward in getting back on track to reach the Sustainable Development Goals.”
“Collaborate…” Yikes.
“During the conversation, Gates expressed concern that the politically weak Biden regime could have global repercussions.”
“The US is politically weaker today, I would say than it’s been, and that’s scary for the world. The current world system is designed around US leadership. And as other countries have gotten richer, these middle-income countries, including China and India, need to play a stronger role in world governance. And how the US seeds the kind of unique role we’ve had and makes that all work, particularly given our political polarization. There’s a lot to worry about there.”
Here’s the video, if you can stomach it:
“Nothing To See Here, Peasant… Your Investments Aren’t Yours Anyway…”
It’s that “cold hard truth” moment where you see the New York Stock Exchange has the technology equivalent of mass diarrhea…
And it just happens to involve most of your wealth.
Folks, we don’t take any pleasure in sharing this information. Actually, it’s part of the job of being watchmen… that’s good (because we can warn you, and we do our duty as believers) and bad (because we have to talk about these things and many won’t listen) all at the same time.
It’s real folks…
Have you noticed all of the “technology glitches” lately?
Remember the weather affecting critical infrastructure?
While that’s happening, you then remember this goodie from Klaus Schwab:
But, what could go wrong? Ask this guy:
From CNBC- “One knowledgeable market observer who read the release (about the NYSE glitch) and asked to remain anonymous described it as “confusing.”
Lord, help us.
We’ll cut to the chase today…
You already know what this means and why you should care… so:
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