Ripped From The Headlines, July 14, 2023
BRICS Gold-Backed Currency To Be Announced? Federal Deficit Triples, UPS Strike Threat To Economy - Read, Share, & Subscribe - SherlocExposes.com
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(EDITOR’S NOTES: Orange-linked text is clickable for additional information.)
“South Africa’s governing party, the African National Congress (ANC), has confirmed that the upcoming BRICS Summit will have a discussion about a common currency between the global south countries as part of 'de-dollarisation’ and strengthening trade.
ANC first deputy secretary-general Nomvula Mokonyane yesterday said the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) will definitely be evaluating the impact of having a unipolar currency (the US dollar) dominating the world’s trade.
This comes as media reports emerged on Friday that the Russian government has confirmed that BRICS will introduce a new trading currency backed by gold.
Mokonyane said it was time that BRICS countries did away with fiat money when trading with each other and strengthen trade among themselves.
‘Dollarisation of trade in the globe has demonstrated that it does not work. Among other realities is that the formation of BRICS is also about consolidating our capacity in terms of trade among ourselves, in terms of growing the global economy and also making sure that we do away with the issues around dominance of one against many,’ Mokonyane said.
‘We must diversify the trading currencies around the globe. Let’s diversify and give the world options and choices. I think what Russia has said is but one of the issues that is going to be a subject in the meeting of BRICS in August.’”
“The federal government's deficit nearly tripled in the first nine months of the fiscal year, a surge that's bound to raise concerns about the country's rising debt levels.
The Treasury Department said Thursday that the budget gap from October through June was nearly $1.4 trillion — a 170% increase from the same period a year earlier. The federal government operates under a fiscal year that begins October 1.
The shortfall adds to an already large federal debt — estimated at more than $32 trillion. Financing that debt is increasingly expensive as a result of rising interest rates. Interest payments over the last nine months reached $652 billion — 25% more than during the same period a year ago.
‘Unfortunately, interest is now the government's fastest-growing quote-unquote 'program,' said Michael Peterson, CEO of the Peter G. Peterson Foundation, which promotes fiscal responsibility.
The deficit ballooned both because of a sharp increase in government spending and a significant drop in tax revenues.
Treasury officials blamed the falling revenues on reduced investment gains last year. The S&P 500 stock index, for example, fell nearly 20% in 2022, during a period of uncertainty about the economy. While the index has since rebounded, investors realized fewer capital gains last year, and paid less in capital gains taxes this year.”
“A threatened U.S. strike at United Parcel Service could be ‘one of the costliest in at least a century,’ topping $7 billion for a 10-day work stoppage, a think tank specializing in the economic impact of labor actions said on Thursday.
That estimate from Michigan-based Anderson Economic Group (AEG) includes UPS customer losses of $4 billion and lost direct wages of more than $1 billion. A 15-day UPS strike in 1997 disrupted the supply of goods, cost the world's biggest parcel delivery firm $850 million and sent some customers to rivals like FedEx.
Talks are deadlocked between UPS and the International Brotherhood of Teamsters union.
The Teamsters have vowed to strike if a deal is not ratified before the current contract expires at midnight on July 31.
‘Consumers are going to feel this within days,’ AEG CEO Patrick Anderson said of a potential strike, adding his analysis does not include the human cost of disruption to shipments of critical and perishable medicines to treat cancer and other life-threatening illnesses.
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“Financial Failures Friday,” Ripped From The Headlines. Things To Ponder:
“The Dollar Is Dominant, So It Doesn’t Matter What They Are Doing!”
We hear that a lot from people who don’t want to hear about the looming threats to US economic dominance…
But sticking your head in the sand or acting like a 5-year-old petulant child because you don’t want to look at the freight train that’s coming at you isn’t going to stop it from hitting you…
Not if… WHEN.
It may take BRICS some time to get everything in order, but the ripple effect from a growing organization taking a real shot at the US Dollar is going to impact markets worldwide…
That the US counts on to maintain that dominance.
Now’s a really good time to BRACE FOR IMPACT.
“Stop Spending? Why When We Can Just Keep Printing?”
The US Government is the gift that just keeps on giving…
The federal deficit has tripled… the answer?
Here’s your world in a nutshell, thanks to our friends at USDebtClock.org:
Know Your Foe.
“You’re NOT Going To Get That Package…”
It may not feel like a big deal to you that UPS may end up with a strike on its hands…
But it’s going to be a rough road should it actually happen.
Months back when the railroads were about to go on strike, we pointed to the fact that the issue would end up being systemic, and bring large chunks of the economy to a halt…
It was so dire, that Congress had to intervene…
We’re not saying UPS is that bad, but look at this:
A strike could delay millions of daily deliveries, including Amazon.com orders, electronic components and lifesaving prescription drugs, shipping experts warned. They added this also could reignite supply-chain snarls that stoke inflation.
That ain’t good.
Keep an eye on this one, and prepare accordingly.
You need to be prepared… there’s just too much crazy stuff happening.
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What Does This Mean?
The grifters of the world are coming for what little you have left.
Your money is used like it’s a slush fund by the people that represent you…
And you get to pay for their mistakes… “For The Climate.”
And they want to cover up all of their financial crimes with a Central Bank Digital Currency while forcing you into a digital prison that’s called a 15-minute city.
Why Should I Care?
Because this is going to be your future:
You should care.
What Should I Do?
You’ve got work to do…
Study EVERYTHING you can find on parallel and alternative economies.
Prepare to implement it.
If you are blessed to have means, start thinking about what you, your family, and your community are going to need, and how commerce will happen in a super local economy.
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Ripped From The Headlines is your daily digest of what’s happening in the world. We help you to understand what it means, why you should care, and what you should do.
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