Ripped From The Headlines, June 1, 2023
Macys & Costco: "People Are Broke!" Apple & Goldman Sachs Hold People's Money, Abortion Finder Provides Youth A Way To Kill - Read, Share, & Subscribe - SherlocExposes.com
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“Macy’s, Costco, and other big chains say shoppers are pulling back at their stores and changing what they buy. That could be a red flag for the US economy.
Macy’s (M) on Thursday cut its annual profit and sales forecast after customer demand slowed.
‘The US consumer, particularly at Macy’s, pulled back more than we anticipated,’ Macy’s CEO Jeff Gennette said on an earnings call Thursday. Customers ‘reallocated’ spending to food, essentials and services, he said.
Costco (COST) finance chief Richard Galanti said last week that some customers were switching from pricier steaks and beef for cheaper meats like pork and chicken. This is a trend that has been common in previous recessions, he said.
Macy’s and Costco appeal to middle- and higher-income shoppers, and their results show a pullback among that demographic.”
“Apple’s savings account, a partnership with Goldman Sachs, launched in April to great fanfare. Some customers say it has been hard to get their money out.
Nathan Thacker, who lives outside Atlanta, had been trying to transfer $1,700 from his Apple account to JPMorgan Chase since May 15. Each time he called Goldman’s customer service department, he said, he was told to give it a few more days.
The money arrived in his Chase account Thursday morning, he said, after The Wall Street Journal contacted Goldman about his and other customers’ experiences.
Others said they also had trouble transferring money from their new Apple accounts.
Customer service representatives at Goldman, which holds the deposits, sometimes gave differing responses about what to do, they said. Sometimes, their money appeared to have simply vanished, not showing up in their Apple account or in the account they were trying to move it to.
“As many states across the nation restrict access to abortion, pro-abortion activists are using the internet to coach women and minors on how to dodge new laws.
A website called Abortion Finder provides a guide on getting to states that allow the practice, but critics call the website ‘radical’ and ‘disgusting.’
‘I think the best comparison is a website that said that you could fly to Asia to have sexual relations with underage children and explained how to do it,’ Dr. Greg Marchand, an obstetrician, and gynecologist, told The Epoch Times.
The website also offers information on how children 15 and younger can hide getting an abortion from their parents.
‘If you travel to a state that requires people under 18 to involve a parent or guardian to get an abortion and you need to avoid that, you could see if you qualify for a judicial bypass,’ the site advises.
Abortion Finder also advises people how to buy ‘abortion pills for future use.’
Anyone can buy abortion pills in a less-restrictive state, take them home, and be fully equipped to provide an abortion to someone pregnant in the future.”
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“It’s A Weird World Thursday,” Ripped From The Headlines. Things To Ponder:
“Everything’s Fine… Except For What’s Not Fine!”
It’s like a broken record, isn’t it?
You keep hearing, “You’re crazy! The economy is great!”
Sure… except for that part where it’s becoming impossible to afford the cost of living and such…
Then there’s Macy’s and Costco…
They are just confirming what you already knew…
Things ain’t good.
Macy’s CEO Jeff Gennette said it best: Customers ‘reallocated’ spending to food, essentials and services.
Probably a good time to get an action plan in place for economic and social unrest issues.
Brace for impact friends.
“Hey! It’s Your Money… And You Can’t Have It… Have A Great Day!”
What is it with banks magically holding your money?
Oh, that’s right… it’s not your money anymore once you deposit it into a “bank.”
Apple users are finding that out the hard way…
Even a “trusted name” like Goldman Sachs just kind of does whatever they want:
Customer service representatives at Goldman, which holds the deposits, sometimes gave differing responses about what to do, they said. Sometimes, their money appeared to have simply vanished, not showing up in their Apple account or in the account they were trying to move it to.
Know your foe.
“It’s Just A Human Life… Why Would Your Parents Need To Know?”
It’s not enough that human life is at stake in the conversation on abortion…
Now, we have to provide young people, who are not mature enough to make decisions, a way to make bad decisions…
“For health reasons.”
This reminds us a lot of the Satanic Temple Death Cult that our sister publication, We Are The Watchmen Weekly, covered recently:
Commentary: Hard Stop.
The question you’re asking yourself right now is the right one:
What religious rituals are being done with abortions?
Newsweek provides the answer:
It’s also important to understand the perspective of the Satanic Temple, per their attorney, James Mac Naughton:
At this point, we want to remind you what the Satanic Temple claims to be:
Many Satanic groups, such as The Satanic Temple, advocate for secularism, human rights, and social justice. They often engage in activism to promote religious pluralism and challenge the dominance of religious institutions in society. Their use of Satanic imagery is intended to provoke thought and challenge the status quo, rather than to promote literal devil worship.
If that’s true, then why is there the need for a “religious abortion ritual?”
Because this isn’t about “human rights” or “social justice” - it’s about worshipping evil, the spirit of death, and the demon possession that comes with it.
Just so you’re clear on what you’re dealing with.
Know your foe.
What Does This Mean?
The economy is a really bad shell game right now, and the powers that be are working hard to make sure you don’t find the ball until it’s too late.
Banks, which have a track record of being reckless with your money already, just hold it now for no reason, and killing people is being normalized.
The US is turning into a combination of Mad Max & The Hunger Games…
What do YOU think that all means for you?
Why should I care?
Being able to…
Defend Yourself…
May all get REALLY tough to do…
Everything IS NOT fine.
You should care.
What Should I Do?
Get a plan together, ASAP.
Spiritual, Financial, Community, and Contingency.
It feels like a dark cloud, but if you’re prepared, you can help to turn things around and help people to recover.
But you have to be here and functioning to do that.
We’ll say the same thing to you that we say to ourselves every day:
Millions of people are counting on you. Get to it!
James Wesley, Rawles, publisher of SurvivalBlog.com has put together a “bookshelf” list of key things you should have. CLICK HERE to access the list.
Plus a recap of the 50 things you should have handy to barter.
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Ripped From The Headlines is your daily digest of what’s happening in the world. We help you to understand what it means, why you should care, and what you should do.
Have a tip on a story, case, or issue that needs to be covered? Email us: asksherloc@protonmail.com. Confidentially assured.