Ripped From The Headlines, March 23, 2023
World Athletics Bans Transgenders, Gas Prices To Spike, #CBDCs Under Pressure - Read, Share, & Subscribe - SherlocExposes.com
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(EDITOR’S NOTE: Orange-linked text is clickable for additional information.)
“Track and field’s international governing body will enact a ban on transgender female athletes competing in women’s events, becoming the most prominent sports federation yet to significantly tighten its eligibility criteria for elite competitors.
World Athletics announced Thursday that it would bar any athlete who had gone through male puberty from female competition categories. The ban came as the federation also unveiled new restrictions for female competitors with differences in sex developments that will apply across all running distances and throwing events.
“The World Athletics Council has today taken the decisive action to protect the female category in our sport, and to do so by restricting the participation of transgender and DSD athletes,’ said the federation’s president Sebastian Coe.
World Athletics said it based its limits on transgender female athletes around male puberty, rather than testosterone levels, after ‘it became apparent that there was little support within the sport’ for using testosterone levels as a marker.”
“U.S. motorists face a repeat of last summer's high gasoline prices, analysts warned on Wednesday, with fuel stockpiles heading towards multi-year lows ahead of the peak summer driving season that begins in two months.
Retail gasoline prices, now averaging $3.44 a gallon nationwide, hit a record $5.02 a gallon last June as crude oil prices jumped on Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the waning of COVID-19 travel curbs unleashed pent-up travel demand.
Vehicle travel in the U.S. started the year 5.6% higher than last year, leading to a drop in gasoline stockpiles for five straight weeks.
Last week's 6 million-barrel drawdown was the biggest since September 2021, leaving inventories at 229.6 million barrels, their lowest for this time of the year since 2015, according to weekly government data.
After Wednesday's data, U.S. gasoline futures climbed about 2% to $2.59 a gallon and so far this month, the contract has averaged $2.61, compared with a five-year March average of $2.01 through 2022.
‘We are in danger of going below 200 million barrels of gasoline storage for the first time in many years,’ said Robert Yawger, director of energy futures at Mizuho.”
“Texas Governor (Editor’s Note: Ted Cruz is a Texas Senator) Ted Cruz has joined a growing group of politicians who have come out in support of anti-CBDC bills, reintroducing legislation to the Senate that would prohibit a direct to consumer Federal Reserve-issued CBDC.
Recent weeks have seen several U.S. state politicians at the center of these actions. The trend was seemingly kicked off by the introduction of Congressman Tom Emmer’s ‘CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act,’ a bill that would prohibit the Federal Reserve from issuing a CBDC directly to anyone.
This was followed by South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem’s decision to veto House Bill 1193, which would have amended the provisions of the Uniform Commercial Code in the state. ‘The bill adopts a definition of ‘money’ to specifically exclude cryptocurrencies. But these revisions do include Central Bank Digital Currencies as money. These developments concern me for several reasons,’ Governor Noem explained.
Subsequent to this, Florida Governor Ron Desantis held a press conference in which he stood at a podium labeled ‘Big Brother’s Digital Dollar,’ proclaiming that Florida shall be a CBDC-free state.
Thursday Madness, Ripped From The Headlines. Things To Ponder:
“You’re A Man… Which Means You Can’t Be A Woman!”
Big news from World Athletics…
That’s the international governing body for track and field, and they just said that only biological women can compete in those events…
Most importantly:
“…that it would bar any athlete who had gone through male puberty from female competition categories.”
No more cheating, men masquerading as women!
Three cheers…
For now. This is one you’ll have to keep an eye on to make sure there’s no backsliding, and vigilant to make sure that other organizations follow suit.
“Not To Worry, You’ll Pay More For Gas Again…”
The Biden Administration is the gift that keeps on giving…
In the worst way possible…
The administration literally killed our ability to be oil and energy independent…
For no good reason, other than to line someone’s pockets, and destabilize us…
And told us it was for “the greater good, but we would be fine…”
Sure. Paying WAY more money…
Make no mistake, these people aren’t your friends. Brace for impact.
Know. Your. Foe.
“Get That CBDC Out Of Here!”
Interesting to see states listening, and taking action on this…
As we’ve said for a long time in this newsletter, a Central Bank Digital Currency would be the final nail in the coffin for your freedom…
It seems like people are getting the message.
The states have A LOT of power in a real Republic…
It’s nice to see some of them actually blowing the dust off their power and actually using it.
Because the alternative is really bad:
Keep the pressure on them, friends!
What Does This Mean?
There’s some good news!
The pressure that “We The People” are applying is bearing some fruit…
But you have to keep going…
Don’t give these devils one inch of daylight, because they will try to take it…
Keep speaking out, and keep sharing this newsletter.
Why Should I Care?
Because this is going to be your future if you stop speaking out:
You are going to save yourself.
You should care.
What Should I Do?
You’ve got work to do…
Study EVERYTHING you can find on parallel and alternative economies.
Prepare to implement it.
If you are blessed to have means, start thinking about what you, your family, and your community are going to need, and how commerce will happen in a super local economy.
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