Ripped From The Headlines, May 10, 2023
Google Co-Founder Can't Be Located, School District Ignores Child Abuse, CA Gov. Ditches $18.5B Bill - Read, Share, & Subscribe - SherlocExposes.com
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“The US Virgin Islands is unable to subpoena Google co-founder Larry Page over potential ties to Jeffrey Epstein because he cannot be physically located, federal court filings reveal.
A motion filed by the attorney general for the US Virgin Islands said investigators tried to identify a physical address at which Page, 50, could be personally summoned to appear in a court.
After identifying four possible addresses, none of which were 'valid', prosecutors are requesting the federal government allow Page to be summoned via Alphabet, Google's parent company, as he is still a member of its board.
The motion to subpoena Page by 'alternative' means was filed last Thursday and makes up part of a case in which the Virgin Islands alleges JPMorgan facilitated Epstein's sex trafficking ring by handling his payments to recruiters and victims.
Page's whereabouts are largely unknown, though he was said in December to have spent the bulk of the COVID pandemic on one of his growing number of private islands - some of which are within the US Virgin Islands.
Page purchased Hans Lollik and its smaller neighboring island, Little Hans Lollik, in 2014 for $23 million.
“As LGBT propaganda and sex mania takes over government kindergartens across America, those warning of a “slippery slope” have been proven right yet again with yet another horrific scandal. In fact, after this one, parents are slowly waking up to the fact that their children are not safe in the government’s hands.
Critics say government ‘educators’ and the sex-ed fanatics have some serious explaining to do after a 6-year-old girl at a government school in Texas was forced to perform oral sex on a boy in first-grade class. Classmates filmed the monstrous crime on April 19 even as a teacher was in the room, according to news reports.
The horrific event at South Elementary first came to the attention of parents after a video of the sex act was found on a district-issued device. From there, despite officials’ efforts to cover it up, word spread rapidly as parents and members of the community began protesting and demanding answers from officials online and outside the school.
‘A 6-year-old was exposed to things that even adults would have a hard time overcoming,’ one of the outraged parents protesting outside the elementary school told the Plainview Herald. ‘This is trauma at its worst, and it is a trickle-down effect because it affects everyone around them.’
But of course, this was not an isolated incident. Parents who were protesting outside the school and spoke to local reporters said this was not new and the school was refusing to act. ‘There have been multiple moms coming out about stuff that has been happening all year and nothing is being done about it,’ another parent was quoted as saying. ‘It’s hit its peak and that’s why we’re here today, to get answers.’”
“California's recent decision not to pay back some $20 billion borrowed from the federal government to cover unemployment benefits during the pandemic will fall on the shoulders of employers, according to experts.
‘The state should have taken care of the loans with the COVID money it received from the government in 2021,’ said Marc Joffe, policy analyst at the Cato Institute—a public policy think tank headquartered in Washington, D.C., in a statement to the Epoch Times.
In the state's proposed 2023-2024 budget, $750 million was allocated to start paying down the loans, until Governor Gavin Newsom nixed the provision in early January, leaving businesses in the state responsible for the loans, as mandated by federal regulations - so that the federal unemployment tax rate of .6 percent will increase by .3% per year starting in 2023 until the loan is extinguished.
‘California is just not really an employer-friendly state,’ said Joffe. ‘This one thing will not be a difference between a business remaining open or closing, but it’s just another burden on top of the many burdens the state puts on employers.’
In total, 22 states borrowed money for unemployment insurance from the federal government. All but four, California, Colorado, Connecticut, and New York, have paid back their debts - with California owing the most by far at $18.6 billion as of May 2, followed by New York at $8 billion, Connecticut at $187 million and Colorado at $77 million, according to data from the US Treasury.”
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“Wild Wednesday,” Ripped From The Headlines. Things To Ponder:
“Hello, I Must Be Going!”
Looks like Larry Page is channeling Groucho Marx…
For some reason, he can’t be found…
It’s gotta be a simple misunderstanding, right?
The super-rich guy who co-founded the world’s best human behavior modification tool (that’s Google) and owns two islands in the Caribbean shouldn’t be too hard to find, especially given the issues with JP Morgan and Jeffery Epstein…
The goal for him should be to clear this up, prove his innocence, and move on…
Except that no one can seem to find him.
That sounds super suspect…
And it doesn’t look good either…
The question you have to ask:
What’s really going on here?
Teacher: “Just Another Day At The Office… You Know, With a Kid Getting Sexually Assaulted…”
The situation in the Plainview (TX) school district is absolute madness…
They also tried to cover it up…
AND it wasn’t the first incident this year at the school…
If that’s not enough, this quote from a parent should make your blood boil:
According to another Plainview South Elementary parent, multiple parents and guardians of students at that campus have made reports regarding their kids being pressured to perform sexual acts.
“My daughter comes home with bruises and rashes if she doesn't participate in these little boys’ sick games,” the parent said at the protest. “They will punch her, give her Indian burns, they'll call her names and cuss at her.”
Our vigilance is mandatory, fellow Watchmen. Know Your Foe.
“How Much? $18 Billion? Nah, Never Mind… Default On It!”
Ladies and gentlemen, this is the guy who wants to be your President, Gavin Newsom.
Old gruesome Newsom decided to dump that debt on business owners… classy move Gavin, classy move...
Does it feel like California is the tip of the spear for killing the average person’s desire for upward mobility?
Yeah, that’s how we see it too…
That’s A LOT of money… going somewhere other than paying off the state’s debt and adding to the burden of small to mid-sized businesses.
Meanwhile here’s Gavin Newsom with his $54 BILLION DOLLAR PLAN TO “FIGHT CLIMATE CHANGE:”
Good grift if you can get it. Know. Your. Foe.
What Does This Mean?
“Rules for thee, not for me.”
Rich guy “can’t be found” in major investigation…
School hides child sexual abuse…
Nutjob Governor skips out on and offloands a $18.5 BILLION DOLLAR LOAN, WHILE PLANNING A $54 BILLION CLIMATE CHANGE AGENDA.
If you were to do 1/10th of anything listed here, you’d be thrown under the jail, and subjected to the J6 treatment.
Why Should I Care?
If you allow this to continue without speaking up and speaking out, you are complicit in your own demise. And it’s not just you that’s going to suffer.
These people are also working to erase your past and kill your future.
If you don’t get moving now, your future will look like this.
On second thought, it already kind of looks like that.
You should care.
What should I do?
Be a beacon… sound the alarm.
Time is short…
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It sounds like doom & gloom… But, it’s not a bad practice in a high-tech world to have practical skills and methods… Just in case.
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Ripped From The Headlines is your daily digest of what’s happening in the world. We help you to understand what it means, why you should care, and what you should do.
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