Ripped From The Headlines, May 12, 2023
US Border Cities Declare Disasters, Get Social Security? It May Be Delayed, French President Marcon's Pedo Defense - Read, Share, & Subscribe - SherlocExposes.com
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“With tens of thousands of migrants massed in northern Mexico, the expiration overnight of the US Covid-era border restriction policy known as Title 42 has American border communities on edge, worried an already challenging humanitarian crisis will worsen as crossings climb.
‘We’re boarding up like there were a hurricane coming,’ Victor Treviño, the mayor of Laredo, Texas, told CNN Thursday evening.
The South Texas counties of Cameron and Hidalgo issued disaster declarations ahead of the order’s expiration at 11:59 p.m. ET Thursday to help free up state and federal resources as US troops, agents and other federal workers surged this week toward the southern border to help handle a possible crush.
Over the last two days, more than 10,000 migrants daily were taken into custody, US border authorities reported, marking a record for daily encounters and continuing an upward trend in border arrests. And about 155,000 migrants were estimated to be in shelters and on streets across northern Mexican states bordering the US, a source familiar with federal estimates said this week.
“Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is warning that Social Security payments could be affected if lawmakers don’t raise the U.S. debt limit and the government runs out of funds to pay its bills.
‘Treasury [could find] itself in the position where we’re unable to pay all of the bills that come due that day. And this would be really the first time in the history of America that we would fail to make payments that are due,’ Yellen told ABC News this week. ‘And, you know, whether it’s defaulting on interest payments that are due on the debt or payments due for Social Security recipients or to Medicare providers, we would simply not have enough cash to meet all of our obligations.’
Recently, Yellen projected that the federal government will hit its debt limit by as early as June 1, coming months after “extraordinary measures” were implemented to stave off defaulting. If the government reaches its debt limit, the federal government wouldn’t be able to pay all of its obligations.”
“France’s President Emmanuel Macron has defended artwork which appears to depict a child being orally raped by an adult after protestors threw paint on it.
The graphic painting titled f*** abstraction! depicts an entirely nude, muscular adult forcing what appears to be a naked, slightly built male child kneeling with his hands bound behind his back to fellate him.
Someone who objected to its pedophilic content splashed it with purple paint at the Palais de Tokyo modern art museum in Paris, prompting France’s increasingly unpopular globalist president to leap to its defense.
‘Targeting a work of art is an attack on our values,’ Macron complained.
‘In France, art is always free and respect for artistic creation is guaranteed,’ he added.
Miriam Cahn, a Swiss artist in her seventies, has claimed that the work, supposedly a tribute of sorts to victims of alleged war crimes in Bucha, Ukraine, does not depict a man and a child. She claims the victim’s childlike size and physique is intended to represent ‘the corporeal power of the oppressor, and the fragility of the oppressed’ — but many are unconvinced.
Indeed, the Association Juristes Pour l’Enfance (Lawyers for Childhood) appealed to the courts and the State Council to have the painting removed under child protections laws, but were unsuccessful.
Lawyers for the Palais de Tokyo hailed judges’ refusal to intervene, like Macron, as victory over ‘attempts at circumventing the right to freedom of expression by way of so-called child protection.”
Such references to “freedom of expression” will be risible to observers familiar with just how weak free speech protections are in France, with a woman in her fifties who referred to Macron as “filth” currently due to appear in court for the crime of “insulting the President of the Republic” in June.
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“Freaky Friday,” Ripped From The Headlines. Things To Ponder:
“It’s Just A Disaster Declaration… What’s The Worst That Can Happen?”
For starters, disasters are a bad thing…
And they are declared to free up more resources to deal with or combat said disaster…
This makes the arguments around the border crisis… interesting.
There’s no border without border controls...
Without order and process, there’s chaos…
There can be no protection with our controls, processes, or order.
Yet, there are people who see no issue with what’s happening at the southern border…
Yet, they complain when, as a US citizen, it takes them three times longer at customs to get back into their own country, while people from other countries just stroll right in with a cursory pass…
We’ll just leave this right here:
Those people who think that this is all OK, likely won’t have to deal with the impact that the border surge is going to have…
But, like the fine folks in Martha’s Vineyard, once they do, they won’t be wanting anymore…
Friends, it’s more important than ever that you understand that a stealth invasion is taking place out in the open that will cause instability.
Brace for impact.
“We’re Out Of Money… But Don’t Worry… We Just Won’t Pay You!”
The US federal government is an amazing… mess.
First, you have to understand that the government won’t be able to give you the money in full that you paid into the system your whole life…
They’ll just “give you 80 percent of it…” But will pay themselves!
Now, they are saying that you may not get it NEXT MONTH.
Hmmmm… that sounds a lot like this:
We also found this tidbit interesting from a prior report:
To keep the program solvent for the next 75 years, taxes would have to immediately rise 3.44 percentage points to 15.84%, split between employees and employers, the Social Security trustees’ report said. Right now, employees and employers both contribute 6.2% of payroll, for a combined 12.4% tax rate.
An immediate 21.3% cut in benefits would also put the program on sounder footing without raising taxes, the report said.
Just so you understand:
It’s proposed that you pay more, or the government pays people less, due to their bad fiscal management.
“It's Just Art, Stop The Madness!”
After reading the full story and seeing the “art,” it’s much more than that…
There’s a nasty standard that has now been set…
Sexual freedom in Europe is a given… it’s been that way for a long time.
What’s confusing is how blatant sexual images with underage children is considered art and fit for the public square.
Even more scary is the explanation behind this:
Miriam Cahn, a Swiss artist in her seventies, has claimed that the work, supposedly a tribute of sorts to victims of alleged war crimes in Bucha, Ukraine, does not depict a man and a child. She claims the victim’s childlike size and physique is intended to represent ‘the corporeal power of the oppressor, and the fragility of the oppressed’ — but many are unconvinced.
Friends, these people are your enemy, and they want your kids… period.
Know Your Foe.
What Does This Mean?
The economy Your future is hanging in the balance… literally.
The people running things (like the border and the budget) have no clue how to fix the problem… because it’s too big to fix now.
They’ll be using any assets you’ve left in their hands (i.e.: pensions, 401k’s), and rob you blind to try and “fix” the problem.
You’ll be less wealthy, with fewer supplies, and less free to speak your mind.
Those aren’t good things.
Why should I care?
There’s so much to unpack…
Your wealth…
Your legacy…
Anything you plan to leave for future generations…
Getting the basics to live…
All of these things are teetering on the edge.
You should REALLY care.
What Should I Do?
Start thinking about the basics that people will need, and look at those things as potential avenues to protect yourself and as an investment.
Do you know why Berkshire Hathaway’s stock is so expensive?
They touch 90% of your life every day, and you don’t even realize it. That’s inflation/deflation/recession/depression insurance. You’ll still need toilet paper and toothpaste.
You should also tell as many people as you can about what’s happening. Don’t leave people behind, while we still have a window to help them.
A quick way to do that: Share this newsletter… heck, take from it, and do your own. We give you permission…
Take the time to learn more about Parallel Economies, and find alternatives to the things you use today… food, money, and transportation.
James Wesley, Rawles, publisher of SurvivalBlog.com has put together a “bookshelf” list of key things you should have. CLICK HERE to access the list.
Plus a recap of the 50 things you should have handy to barter.
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Ripped From The Headlines is your daily digest of what’s happening in the world. We help you to understand what it means, why you should care, and what you should do.
Have a tip on a story, case, or issue that needs to be covered? Email us: asksherloc@protonmail.com. Confidentially assured.