Ripped from the headlines, November 7, 2022
Reminder: Our Founders, Julianna Ormond & RC Williams, will be on LIVE this Wednesday, November 9th with Ann Vandersteel, 1:30p EST. Watch here: https://brighteon.tv/ZelenkoReport/
Please support out sponsor, Food Forest Abundance.
Did seeing the headlines about the diesel shortages and possible rail strike give you pause?
Supplies could become much more difficult to come by, including fresh food.
But with a Food Forest from FFA, you could actually have more than you need.
They’ll help you to manage it, AND sell off your surplus.
It’s worth looking into… your future depends on it.
“Sean Patrick Maloney: Families Struggling With Inflation Should Eat Chef Boyardee”
“Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney (D., N.Y.) has a suggestion for families struggling with rising gas and food prices: Eat Chef Boyardee.
"That's what families have to do," Maloney, who heads the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, told Halston Media when asked what he'll do about gas and food prices. "I grew up in a family where if the gas price went up, the food budget went down, so by this time of the week we'd be eating Chef Boyardee if that budget wasn't gonna change."
“Central Banks Are Quietly Buying Gold At The Fastest Pace In 55 Years”
“Central banks globally have been accumulating gold reserves at a furious pace last seen 55 years ago when the U.S. dollar was still backed by gold. According to the World Gold Council (WGC), central banks bought a record 399 tons of gold worth around $20 billion in the third quarter of 2022, with global demand for the precious metal back to pre-pandemic levels.”
“The US Northeast Is Hurtling Toward a Winter Heating Crisis”
“Heating oil delivered to New York is the priciest ever. Retailers in Connecticut are rationing it to prevent panic buying. New England’s stockpiles of diesel and heating oil — the same product, taxed differently — are a third of normal levels. Natural gas inventories are also below average. A Massachusetts-based utility is imploring President Joe Biden to prepare emergency measures to prevent a gas shortage.
Add some cold to the mix, and in the best-case scenario, Northeast consumers will shoulder the highest energy bills in decades this winter. The Biden administration, under pressure to tame prices ahead of the midterm elections, is considering ways to stash more diesel and gasoline in New England. In the worst-case scenario, a cluster of states with a combined economy bigger than Japan’s will run out of fuel to keep the lights on and heat homes and businesses.
“It’s going to be pretty bad,” said Marcus McGregor, head of commodities research at Conning Inc. “Diesel, heating oil and natural gas prices are through the roof. When you’re on a fixed salary, how does it impact your overall budget? It has to be bad.”
Like a Bad Song On Repeat - Ripped from the Headlines. Things to ponder:
Guy in Congress with money, who once might have been poor, is telling you to just be a poor serf…
Just an FYI, Ettore Boiardi did not set out to make canned foods… he was a pretty awesome chef…
If he was around today, guess who he’d smack?
Oh yes…
Remember our line about “If the bomb diffuser guy is running, you should try to keep up?”
Well, precious metals are being hoarded…
Guess what that means?
By the way…
If you’re in the Northeast…
It’s gonna be rough…
but, if you’re anywhere in the US and you want to eat…
Reminder: Our Founders, Julianna Ormond & RC Williams, will be on LIVE this Wednesday, November 9th with Ann Vandersteel at 1:30pm EST with MAJOR ANNOUCEMENTS. Watch here: https://brighteon.tv/ZelenkoReport/
What does this mean?
Oh boy…
Election Day is tomorrow. We know a bunch of people, from different persuasions, read and subscribe to this publication, so we’ll be clear:
This means real pain is coming. What do you think happens when the diesel runs out?
Nothing good.
Why should I care?
We’re now at the point where supplies may not be able to get to you, because there’s no fuel (diesel) to get it to you…
You should REALLY care.
What should I do?
Get moving on your preparations.
If you can get to Costco or Restaurant Depot or Gordon or any equivalent…
Do it ASAP and get prepared.
We will have major announcements this week on a virtual event and a solution for the Parallel Economy, from our extensive research, to help you.
But you have to get moving.
James Wesley, Rawles, publisher of SurvivalBlog.com has put together a “bookshelf” list of key things you should have. CLICK HERE to access the list.
Plus a recap of the 50 things you should have handy to barter.
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Ripped From The Headlines is your daily digest of what’s happening in the world. We help you to understand what it means, why you should care, and what you should do.
Have a tip on a story, case, or issue that needs to be covered? Email us: asksherloc@protonmail.com. Confidentially assured.