Ripped From The Headlines, April 19, 2023
Home Depot Founder: "Look For Bankruptcies," South Florida Gas Shortages, Banks Abuse Federal Program - Read, Share, & Subscribe - SherlocExposes.com
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“Bob Nardelli, the former CEO of Home Depot, is warning about more bankruptcies hitting the U.S. economy, and blames lawmakers for their delay in coming to terms regarding the country’s debt ceiling.
‘I think we’re going to see a lot of bankruptcies. Like Bed, Bath, and Beyond. We got Walmart not only laying people off but closing stores. We got Accenture laying people off. We got Amazon closing distribution centers. So, I think there’s a tremendous-mixed message,’ Nardelli said in an April 14 interview with Fox. At present, the ‘complexity’ of the American economy is ‘different than anything I have seen in my 52 years.’
Nardelli also blamed Congress’ inability to work together to raise the U.S. debt limit as creating a burden on businesses, saying that he is ‘definitely worried’ about the situation.
The former Home Depot CEO says he is seeing ‘inventory builds’ in a lot of public and private businesses. He pointed to the 2007–09 period when the banking meltdown took ‘everything down.’
‘I think we’re in a very complex environment. And, of course, this debt issue only adds to that. It adds to the certainty of uncertainty, what’s going to happen.’”
“The Florida Division of Emergency Management is deploying more than 500,000 gallons of fuel to stations in the southeastern portion of the state after historic flooding led to a gas shortage.
Gas stations across the area haven't had gas after distribution issues because of flooding at various petroleum terminals at Port Everglades.
Drivers who have gas are asked to avoid trying to fill up at this time.
Some drivers in Palm Beach County tell WPBF 25 News they've had trouble finding gas over the last few days.
‘This is the third one I’ve gone to trying to find gas,’ said Jorge Alvarez. I didn’t want to put myself in a pinch thinking I have enough to last me through the week If there’s a shortage right now," he added.
Some gas stations in our area, including the Wawa on Okeechobee Boulevard in West Palm Beach, told WPBF 25 News they were scheduled to refuel on Sunday. Some gas stations just have one type of gas or another.
Officials at Port Everglades said this week’s torrential downpours caused some of the petroleum terminals, operated by private companies, to be flooded. For that reason, while there isn’t a shortage of gas, there have been delays in shipping the fuel to different gas stations in our area.
AAA reports Port Everglades is a hub for 40% of the fuel for Florida.”
“Banks are turning to an obscure government-linked lender to shore up their balance sheets following the industry’s rockiest period in years.
The Federal Home Loan Bank system—established during the Great Depression to help promote mortgage lending and now a source of liquidity for banks of all stripes—issued a record $495 billion of debt in March to fund loans, which are called advances, the system’s Office of Finance said. Banks ramped up borrowing that month as customers pulled out deposits and investors panicked over failures that threw the stability of the U.S. financial system into question.
Charles Schwab Corp., a brokerage firm whose bank operations experienced significant withdrawals, on Monday disclosed that it had $46 billion in FHLB advances in the first quarter, up from $12 billion in the prior quarter and zero a year earlier. Other banks are also expected to disclose their advances in the coming weeks.
The 11 government-sponsored home-loan banks have drawn scrutiny in recent weeks because Silicon Valley Bank, Signature Bank, and Silvergate Capital Corp. borrowed billions from them. Those banks all went out of business in March in a stunning series of collapses. Critics say that the home-loan banks have gone beyond their mission of supporting housing and that the closures show they sometimes prop up banks that aren’t stable.”
“Bankruptcies & Bailouts” Wednesday, Ripped From The Headlines. Things To Ponder:
“The Bomb Diffuser Guy Is Running… You Should Keep Up!”
Bob Nardelli, the former CEO of Home Depot, is a pretty smart guy…
Even he sees the writing on the wall…
As we shared in Ripped From The Headlines back on April 6th, The Epoch Times shared similar news, letting us know a ton of small businesses were on the brink:
Equally scary is the data from S&P Global:
Data from S&P Global Market Intelligence showed 71 corporate bankruptcy petitions in March, a jump from 58 in the previous month. This is the highest monthly total since July 2020 and the fourth straight month of increases.
First-quarter corporate bankruptcy filings came in at 183, which is “more than any comparable period in the past 12 years,” S&P Global said.
This ain’t good. Brace For Impact!
“There’s No Gas… Not To Worry Though… Just Don’t Do Any Driving!”
We are not, by any means, making fun of the situation in South Florida right now…
The flooding was a historic mess, and we’re praying for everyone who is impacted by what happened…
But, there seems to be an ongoing trend from governments at multiple levels lately…
That trend?
You’re On Your Own!
And it’s happening to the point where it seems those who are in charge of preparing for disasters are either slow to the punch or not paying attention.
We’ve seen similar things happen:
Combined with the lack of direction from US Transportation Secretary, Pete Buttigieg (Click Here to read more), it begs a serious question:
What in the hades are these people doing?!?!
Stay prepared friends… it looks like “help is on the way” has a whole new meaning.
“Hey, Can We Borrow A Few Bucks? No One Will Know… It’s Not Like We’ll Crash Or Anything…”
That’s what the banks and the Federal Home Loan Bank system thought…
Until they got caught, of course…
Now, it looks like banks… doing REALLY SUSPECT THINGS… were tapping the program like it was a candy machine…
Which IS NOT what it is meant for…
But hey, what’s a little money between grifters, right?
Here’s the deal:
These people are taking YOUR MONEY and doing whatever they want…
And when they get drunk at the casino and lose it all?
They just tell you “Too bad, So sad” and then TAP YOU FOR MORE MONEY!
How long will you let it happen?
Know. Your. Foe.
You need to be prepared… there’s just too much crazy stuff happening.
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Why Should I Care?
If you allow this to continue, and you’re complicit in your own demise, it’s not just you that’s going to suffer.
These people are also working to erase your past and kill your future.
If you don’t get moving now, your future will look like this.
On second thought, it already kind of looks like that.
You should care.
What Should I Do?
You need to get yourself ready for life in the Parallel Economy. Things are going to get worse before they have any chance to get better:
Join the Parallel Economy Community & get your Parallel Economy Blueprint- Click Here;
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